Delusion ship: Types and Treatment

Delusion is a term nowadays used for people who wake physically but remain daydreaming, thinking positively in their mind, and letting the things happening in the imaginary world. The delusion ship took us to the world where everything is happening according to what we are thinking and an illusion will be created in front of our eyes showing that actual things are happening as we are considering. This article will briefly describe Delusion, and its pros and cons.

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What is a Delusion ship?

Delusion ship is a mental health condition in which a person physically presents in the real world but mentally wanders in the imaginary world. He can’t say what is real or fake. As per Medical practitioners, delusion ship is a kind of psychotic disorder having resembles another mental health condition named schizophrenia remaining in an imaginary world with opened eyes. In both mental health conditions, symptoms are quite similar and can be identified by mental health practitioners.

Types of Delusion

Dilutions are of different kinds based on the symptoms and experiences faced by patients. Some are categories below:

  1. Jealous: In this type of delusion, people do not trust others or their near ones easily and remain unfaithful towards their loyalty. Jealous delusion is mostly observed between couples where a diseased spouse is unfaithful without any evidence.

  2. Erotomanic: In this type of delusion, the diseased person is lost in an imaginary world thinking that someone celebrity is in love with them. They try to contact that person as the after-effect of erotomanic delusion.

  3. Persecutory: In this type of delusion the diseased person believes that someone is chasing them and trying to harm the person or near and dear one. They regularly complain about the situation to legal authorities.

  4. Grandiose: Here diseased people believe that he has money and power has great talent or made a discovery.

What is delusional thinking?

In delusion, people mainly live in an imaginary world thinking that everything is happening as they think. This disorder is identified by mental health practitioners. The average age of showing the symptoms of delusion is 40 years.

People who avoid social life are more prone to have delusion disorder. These people may include:

Migrants having language problem

Deaf people

Visually challenged people

Senior citizen

The most common delusion disorder is Persecution disorder in which people remain in fear that someone is trying to harm them.

Symptoms of Delusion ship:

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Stress, anxiety, and/or depression diseases are developed as a result of delusion ship. Early symptoms of delusion ship may include:

People feel of being exploited.

Loss of trust with family and friends.

Remained always threatened.

Constantly holding grudges.

Remained alert all the time.

Diagnosis of Delusion ship:

Delusion ship is diagnosed by healthcare providers, specifically mental health professionals by observing the behavior of patients. Moreover, the patient must not have characteristic symptoms of other mental health problems like schizophrenia.

At present, delusion ship can’t be identified with any medical test. This can be identified by considering the complete medical history and physical examination. Also, some diagnostic tests – such as blood tests, urine tests, and imaging tests are performed to rule out other conditions showing the same symptoms. If these tests confirm the state or type of delusion ship then it is confirmed by a mental health practitioner psychiatrist or psychologist with specially designed interview and assessment tools.

Following are the other diseases that show similar symptoms and can be easily misdiagnosed with delusion ship.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder


Delirium/Neurocognitive disorder

Bipolar disorder

Personality disorders like borderline personality.

Delusion ship treatment

The treatment of delusion ship includes simply talking with a patient called psychotherapy, in which the level of disorder is to be estimated along with medication.  Delusion ship can’t be treated alone on a medicinal basis. People having the delusion ship disorder have to first realize that they are mentally ill. Their families and friends are also counseled for the treatment of the patient. People with severe symptoms who are at risk of hurting others and themselves need to be admitted to the hospital to stabilize their mental health.

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Delusion ship is a mental disorder that can be treated or controlled with the help of a mental healthcare provider at the initial stages once identified. People having the delusion ship need care, love, and proper medication.

Image Source: Freepik, GettyImages

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